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Mrs Jane Milward (Si's Mum)
Thursday, 5. May 2005 02:10 IP: Write a comment

My family and I are thoroughly overwhelmed by all your messages of condolences on this site.

We would all like to thank you so very much.

I did not realise that Simon had touched so many peoples lives. All I know is that I loved him so very dearly and my heart was constanstly aching for his safety these past five years.

He was never out of my thoughts.

Now this has happened. I can only say how thankful I am that he trusted in Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour half way through his travels so that I can safely say that I know where he has gone and that he is with Him now and I shall see him again one day later one.

Thankyou again for all your kind thoughts and wonderful words.

From us all

Jane and family.
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